How to nail your brand messaging? The science behind any killer marketing.

Masha Nikitina
5 min readMar 27, 2024

I see often times, brilliant teams developing amazing groundbreaking product, but when it comes to showing its value, things get difficult.

And this is totally understandable.

You’ve poured your heart and soul into creating something awesome. Naturally, you want to shout about every single feature from the rooftops.

But, when you try to tell your audience everything at once, your message turns into a mini-novel, complete with fancy industry terms.

And just like that, you’ve lost them.

And, I want to be honest, one thing that I’ve learned over a decade of my career in communications is — a clear messaging is a foundation of a good marketing — if you don’t have it sorted, all your marketing activities would not be as effective as they could be.

Although it may seem hard to find the right words, having the proper tools makes it easier.

In this short article, I want to share with you a secret blend of simple tools you can use to nail your messaging.

From my experience working with dozens of teams on nailing their messaging, I’ve outlined the most crucial elements of getting this right and why this is one of the most important things you will do for the success of your project.

In essence the tools I’m talking about are: research married with simple framework.

Let’s get into it.


Imagine you’re building a house. You wouldn’t just start without knowing a bunch of stuff first, right? Like, what materials work best for the climate, where to get the most sunshine for that dream garden, or who’s the best team for the job. It’s all about doing your homework.

It’s the same thing with messaging. Before you even start, you need the lowdown on three things: your product, your market, and your audience.

Your product. It’s common, especially for startups, to have a product that’s still evolving. But to talk about it confidently, you need to know it inside out, the final version of it and full potential.

Your market. Understanding who you the biggest players in your niche, how do they position themselves, and what value they provide is key.

Your audience. The golden ticket in marketing. Knowing who you’re talking to is everything. It’s about getting so familiar with your audience’s needs and pains that it feels like you’re best friends. No just general audience, but audience segmentation, categories and buying personals.

Do not rush the research phase. Digging deep into these areas will take time — not just a day or two but weeks, with a team on it.


At Bolder we use multiple layers or frameworks to build messaging for our clients, but here is one of my favourites, simple yet effective framework that you can easily engage in on your own or with your team: Problem-Agitate-Solution (PAS).

To engage in this framework you need to be armed with all the intel on our product, market, and audience. And we’re ready to get creative.

Problem. Identify a specific problem your audience faces (through audience research of course), one that your product can tackle (through deep understanding of your product potential). The more spot-on you are, the more they’ll feel you get them.

Agitate. Amp up the urgency by highlighting the downsides of not addressing the problem. It’s about making them see the stakes without freaking them out.

Solution. Introduce your product as the hero of the story. Keep it straightforward and buzzword-free. Show how it makes life better.


Let’s say you’ve got a new time management app. Here’s how PAS could work:

Problem. Busy folks are drowning in to-dos, feeling swamped all the time.

Agitate. This chaos leads to missed deadlines and stress, tanking both work and personal life.

Solution. Our app is here to rescue your time with easy planning and reminders, helping you crush your goals and dial down the stress.

The magic of great messaging? It’s about showing your audience you’re in their corner, ready with the perfect fix for their headaches.

Messaging mantra

Simplicity and clarity. I keep it so straightforward that anyone can grasp it. No jargon, no fluff.

Emotional connections. It’s about painting a vivid picture of a better tomorrow, thanks to what you’re offering.

Standing out. I dig deep to find what makes my offer not just different, but meaningfully different. Find these unique benefits that no one else has.

Putting It Into Action

Website and landing pages, make sure every word and image speaks the same language — the language of simplicity and clarity, directly addressing the visitor’s pain points and dreams.

Content marketing, aim to educate, entertain, and inspire, but always in your own voice.

Email campaigns, they’re personal letters from me to them, not just promotions but messages that say, “I get you, and I’ve got something for you.”

Advertising and customer service, are extensions of your voice. They carry your ethos, and commitment to not just solving a problem but making someone’s day a little better.

The world changes, people change, and so does messaging. Continuous testing and iteration are essential. Listen, adapt, and evolve.

A bit of lyrics. Why This Matters

First off, the simplicity and clarity in messaging are my go-tos.

I’ve noticed that when things get too complicated, people’s eyes glaze over.

It’s like trying to explain quantum physics to a five-year-old. They just don’t get it, and why would they? It’s not their language.

So, I’ve made it my passion to strip down any complex jargon into something that anyone could understand.

It’s about making sure that no one needs a dictionary to understand why what I’m offering is worth their time.

Emotional connections — I’ve always believed that if you want to truly engage with someone, you need to speak to their heart before their brain.

It’s about painting a picture of a world where the problems and pains are solved because of what your solution.

It’s a narrative that’s not just about the features of a product but about the story of a better tomorrow.

And it’s not manipulation, it’s alignment of vision and dreams.

Standing out in a crowded market?

In my experience, it’s not just about being different, it’s about being relevantly different.

I’ve spent countless hours analysing what makes my offerings unique not just in function but in meaning. Why does what I do matter? Why should anyone care? These aren’t just existential questions, they’re the core of any messaging strategy I develop.

It’s about finding that unique spot in the universe where only you exist and shining so bright that your audience can’t help but find you.

In essence, successful messaging, to me, is about being so clear and connected with your audience that they can’t help but feel you’re speaking directly to them.

It’s about making the complex simple, the impersonal personal, and the mundane magical.

And at the end of the day, it’s about not just being heard, but being understood and valued.



Masha Nikitina

Founder at Bolder | Branding and communications agency. I help materialise meaningful ideas into reality. Linkedin